

Contact us!

Imatra Base Camp Ltd
Virastokatu 2, 55100 Imatra
Tel. +358 20 617 7777 (From Monday to Sunday 12 PM to 6.30 PM)
Email: info (at) imatrabasecamp.fi

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Tourist information boards and brochures available at the following locations:​

  • ABC Imatra (Tiedonkatu 2, 55420 Imatra)
  • Imatran Urheilutalo (Kotipolku 2, 55120 Imatra)
  • Imatran Spa Resort (Purjekuja 2, 55420 Imatra)
  • Prisma Imatra (Karhumäenkatu 1, 55120 Imatra)
  • Scandic Imatra Valtionhotelli (Torkkelinkatu 2, 55100 Imatra). Only brochures.
  • S-Market Imatrankoski (Olavinkatu 8, 55100 Imatra)
  • S-Market Vuoksenniska (Valvatinkatu 3, 55800 Imatra)
  • Vuoksi Fishing Park (Kotipolku 4, 55120 Imatra)
  • Holiday Club Saimaan Rauha (Rauhanrinne 1, 55320 Rauha)
  • S-Market Ruokolahti (Liisanpolku 2, 56100 Ruokolahti)

Tel. +358 20 617 7777, info@imatrabasecamp.fi

The summer tourist information office near Imatrankoski bridge will be open daily from June 10th to August 11th, from 12:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
August 17
18th, 25th, 31th, from 12:00 PM to 6:30 PM. NOTE! August 24th from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Imatra Day -event

Restaurants & Shopping
